
Prior to fabrication of microfluidic chips, especially injection molding, check whether you considered the most common issues:

✓ Is your chip design optimal for your experimental goals?

✓ Is the flow on a chip characterized properly?

✓ Which approach is optimal for the flow control in your microfluidic device – volume-based or pressure-driven?

✓ Do you need feedback on the flow rate of your device? What do you want to control – velocity, volume flow or mass flow?

✓ We will support you while answering these and many more questions.



✓ Planning and implementation of novel microfluidic devices.

✓ Planning of experiments in Biology, Biochemistry, Flow-Chemistry, Biophysics and more.

✓ Product development and market launch of microfluidic devices.

✓ Evaluation of novel microfluidic or mesofluidic technology from scientific point of view, particularly fluid dynamics analysis.

✓ Evaluation of fluid dynamics.



✓ Reduced costs for the product development, since simulations and technology evaluation support in recognition of risks and reduce iterative steps within the developmental process.

✓ More confidence in experiment planning and shorter research cycles with better results.

✓ Benefit from our expertise in different fields: Microfluidics, Hydrodynamics and market launch of innovative technology, particularly process management and financing.

Technology evaluation

We help to evaluate and optimise your microfluidic projects: from the experiment planning to design of microfluidic chips prior to their manufacturing. We can also develop chip designs for your applcations.

Let’s talk about Hydrodynamic Simulationarism!

We analyse fluid dynamics in your application prior to the costly steps of manufacturing of microfluidic chips and simulate applications with liquids of different viscosity, liquid mixtures, temperature gradients, diffusive and advectice mixing.

Talk to us to learn whether a simulation will be benefecial for your project!

The Science of Rapid Prototyping

Ask for possible approaches to test your microfluidic chip prior to going to injection molding. A few experiments with PDMS microfluidic chips or milling parts can sometimes save an additional expensive step in chip manufacturing.

Trainings on Microfluidics and more – Let it flow!

We offer trainings in Microfluidics – starting with introduction in Hydrodynamics, µTAS up to product launch issues, such as EMC testing, technical project management, sales and financing.

See more about hydrodynamic simulation and the process in the slides below: